VANDERBURGH COUNTY, Ind. – The Indiana Department of Transportation announces lane restrictions for the intersection of U.S. 41 and State Road 57 for a paving project.
Beginning on or around Monday, Aug. 30, contractors will close the driving lane of U.S. 41 at the intersection of S.R. 57. Also included in this closure is the dedicated right turn lane from S.R. 57 westbound to U.S. 41 northbound. This is the first of a two-phase project to repave the intersection. Workers will dig out about two feet of surface and replace the pavement.
During the first phase of the project, the driving lane of U.S. 41 just north and south of the intersection will be closed, as will the right turn lane from westbound S.R. 57 to northbound U.S. 41. West bound drivers on S.R. 57 will still be able to make a right turn into the passing lanes of U.S. 41 when the signal allows.
Work on this project is scheduled to take about two weeks. Labor Day travel has been considered and workers are expected to have restrictions pulled back by Sept. 3 before resuming the project following the holiday weekend.
INDOT urges drivers to slow down and stay alert near crews.