From Vanderburgh County Engineer:
Beginning on April 19, 2021, Republic Services will close St. Joseph Avenue at Meier Road. The closure is being done to allow Republic Services to build a bridge on St. Joseph Avenue immediately south of Meier Road. The bridge will allow Republic’s landfill trucks to pass under St. Joseph Avenue. The road closure is expected to continue until August 16, 2021. Meier Road will also be closed at St. Joseph Avenue as a part of this project.
The signed detour routes for the closure are shown on the attached map. Truck traffic will not be detoured on Mohr Road or Wimberg Road due to inadequate clearances under the CSX railroad bridges over those two roads. The truck detour will require trucks to use Schenk Road instead of Wimberg Road or Mohr Road.
Vanderburgh County Engineer
201 NW Fourth Street, Room 306
Evansville, IN 47708